Learn Surya Namaskar (Complete Set of 12 Asanas) - Step By Step with Images

Learn Surya Namaskar (Complete Set of 
12 Asanas) - Step By Step with Images

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) - 
                                                             Today, on the occasion of World Yoga Day, we want to teach you all how to do Suryanamaskar. Suryanamaskar is a set of gracefully linked 12 yogasanas in which each asana has different benefits. If you are not able to give time to yoga or exercise due to being too busy, then you can keep yourself healthy by doing these 12 asanas for just 15-20 minutes.

Benefits - There are so many benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar. Some of them are given below :-

 ●Surya Namaskar provides vitamin D, which strengthens bones. 

● Increases memory and concentration.

● Improves Eyesight. 

● Helps to balance the secretions of all important glands of the body, such as pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, liver, pancreas, ovary etc. 

● Plays a very useful role in solving problems related to digestion, indigestion, constipation, indigestion, gas, puffiness and loss of appetite. 

● By this practice, blood circulation is intensified and the speed of metabolism increases, which makes all the organs of the body strong and functional.

● The flow of blood in the body is speeded up which gives relief in blood pressure disease.

● The fat (charbi) of the stomach is reduced by reducing the weight (weight), so it is very helpful in reducing the weight of obese people. 

● The chances of getting skin disease are eliminated. 

● Increases efficiency of heart and lungs.

● The person practicing it regularly reduces the possibility of having problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, constipation.

● Along with the diagnosis of mental stress, depression, anxiety etc., it also prevents anger, irritability and fear.

● Strengthens the muscles of the legs and arms. Develops chest.

12 Asanas of Surya Namaskar :- 

01. Pranamasana - Stand straight with both hands folded. Close your eyes. Meditate on the command 'chakra' and invoke 'Surya' with the mantra 'Om Mitray Namaya'. 

02. Hastauttanasana - While inhaling, spread both hands along the ears, tilt upwards and tilt the arms and neck backwards. Focus on the 'Vishuddhi Chakra' on the back of the neck.

03. Uttanasana - In the third position, bend forward while slowly exhaling the breath. With hands and neck, touch the earth right and left of the feet by going down adjacent to the ears. Knees stay straight. Pause for a few moments while focusing on the 'Manipuraka Chakra' behind the navel while touching the forehead knees. 

04. Ashwa Sanchalanasana - In this position, move the left leg backwards while inhaling. Stretch the chest forward. Tilt the neck more backwards. Leg stretched straight back stretch and foot paw. Wait a while in this situation. Take the meditation to 'Swadhisthan' or 'Vishuddhi Chakra'.

05. Chaturang dandasana  - Move the right leg backward as well, expelling the breath slowly. The legs of the two legs are joined together. Stretch the body backwards and try to match the ankles to the earth. Raise the buttocks as high as possible. Tilt the neck down and apply the chin to the moth. Practice focusing on the 'Sahasrar Chakra'.

06. Astang Namaskar -  While inhaling, prostrate the body parallel to the earth, straight prostrate and first put the knee, chest and forehead on the earth. Lift the buttocks slightly. Exhale. Put the meditation on the 'Anahata Chakra'. Normalize breathing speed. 

07. Bhujangasana -  In this position, while filling the breath slowly, pull the chest forward and straighten the hands. Move the neck backwards. Knees touch the earth and feet remain claws. Pull the base and rest the meditation there.

08. Parvatasana - Move the right leg backward as well, expelling the breath slowly. The legs of the two legs are joined together. Stretch the body backwards and try to match the ankles to the earth. Raise the buttocks as high as possible. Tilt the neck down and apply the chin to the moth. Practice focusing on the 'Sahasrar Chakra'

09. Ashwa Sanchalanasana - In this position, move the left leg backwards while inhaling. Stretch the chest forward. Tilt the neck more backwards. Leg stretched straight back stretch and foot paw. Wait a while in this situation. Take the meditation to 'Swadhisthan' or 'Vishuddhi Chakra'.

10.Uttanasana - In the 10th position, bend forward while slowly exhaling the breath. With hands and neck, touch the earth right and left of the feet by going down adjacent to the ears. Keep knees straight. Pause for a few moments, while meditating on the forehead knees, focusing on the 'Manipururaka Chakra' behind the navel. Do not seek seekers with back and back defects. 

11. Hasta Uttanasana- While inhaling, spread both hands along the ears, tilt upwards and tilt the arms and neck backwards. Focus on the 'Vishuddhi Chakra' on the back of the neck.

12. Pranamasana- This situation will remain like the first position.

21st June - World Yoga Day💞💞💞

